Biden Is A Ticking Time Bomb

Carrie Lavender
6 min readMar 21, 2020

“[Tom Perez is] literally killing people! . . . [The DNC would] rather their own voters get sick and die…[to] keep power. …This is criminal!” comedian Jimmy Dore declared, in condemnation of DNC Chair Perez who urged states not to postpone primaries this week. Indeed, there were widespread voter testimonies that CDC COVID-19 guidelines were not enforced at the polls, such as where I voted in Florida on Tuesday. Dore explained that Perez held primaries out of fear Bernie will win in the future if people realize we need Medicare for All and Universal Basic Income because of this crisis.

Dore is right, but there’s another key reason the DNC refused to cancel its primaries. Last week, Biden physically threatened a voter. Any day now, I predict, he will assault someone. Before that happens, the DNC wants to secure his victory by getting a majority of delegates.

This week’s dramatic coronavirus updates eclipsed last week’s news of Biden’s argument with a union worker in Detroit where Biden hollered, “You’re full of shit!” and told his female staffer to “Shush!” When the union worker asked Biden to stop poking his finger at his face, Biden angrily shouted, “Don’t tell me [inaudible]! You wanna go outside with me! . . . I’m not working [for you]! Give me a break! Don’t be such a horse’s ass!” You can view that altercation from various camera angles here, here and here. Be sure to observe Biden’s aggressive hand gestures and facial expressions, and his staffer’s worried look as she tried to intervene.

One only need view that sole video to know Biden is not in his right mind. Nevertheless, as expected, “liberalpundits tried to spin his tirade as “terrific” and “composed”, but it destroys Biden’s chances of becoming president, which Saagar Enjeti analyzes in this Rising segment. Trump will feature that gem in TV ads. At this point, the only thing that can block his re-election is election fraud — a real thing. In fact, DNC elites don’t mind if Trump wins. They only care about defeating Bernie to keep their money flow, as we discussed here.

Biden has had a series of concerning interactions on the campaign trail, displaying a spectrum of dementia symptoms that Caitlin Johnstone is chronicling here and I analyzed here and here. As I noted, campaign stress is accelerating his decline, which led up to that campaign-wrecking tantrum last week. Diana Little, licensed psychotherapist, is trained and practiced in the assessment of senile dementia and elder abuse. She said,

Biden does, in fact, display multiple symptoms that are diagnostic of this disease. As of today, this is evidenced by his confusion of time and place. He has called out the wrong day, state, and even what race he is in, said that he was running for Senate, for one, who knows what year he had in mind? Further, his loss of and confusion of words, at its most extreme, he is speaking what we in the field call “word salad”. This is a mixture of nonsensical words into disjointed sentences. There are many examples of this. I do have a favorite, because it would be so creatively funny if weren’t horrifying and abusive, it’s when he called the young woman at a town hall a “lying dog-faced pony soldier”.

Little also commented on Biden’s anger problem, but first, let me address last Sunday’s CNN debate for the Biden crowd doubters. Yes, he was relatively coherent — after his campaign negotiated the distraction-free setting which just so happens to align with Mayo Clinic’s guidelines for treating dementia. The audience-free set, extra rest and rehearsal, and whatever meds they pumped him with helped him focus, stay put at his podium, and pompously tell a string of lies, while viewers speculated that he had an ear piece and knew the questions in advance.

Regardless of his relative clarity that night, Biden is unwell. Most notably, his bouts of anger at campaign events present a serious concern. I previously reported:

Mayo Clinic’s page on dementia lists agitation and inappropriate behavior as psychological changes, and Biden shows concerning hostility at town halls, calling people “fat” and “lying dog-faced pony soldier”, retorting “vote for someone elseon several occasions, touching people inappropriately, and arguing with a veteran.

Diana Little had this to say about Biden’s anger:

Perhaps the most concerning symptom of his advancing dementia are his flights of rage and threats of violence. This hostile personality trait may have always been there, and there is evidence that it was, but he was mostly able to keep it at bay. This apparent personality change is destined to get far worse, and will likely culminate in actual violence. At this point, I would not be in the least surprised if he hit someone, as that is sadly and often the progression of this disease when rage is present. To allow him to continue in this race is beyond negligent. It’s abuse, to himself and others.

As a matter of fact, Biden has a laundry list of violent and abusive tendencies in his past which contribute to his current fits of rage. I will review his past history in my next article. Here we will focus on his recent behaviors. Below are seven more videos documenting his anger and aggression at campaign events, especially when challenged on his positions. Each video demonstrates his poor judgment, a classic early symptom of dementia. You will notice, for instance, that nowadays he wears his ego on his sleeve, as part of his disease. Also observe how he crosses into men’s personal space, often touching them.

  1. “Why why why why why why why!” Biden says aggressively and grabs a journalist’s lapels. Then he touches and fist bumps the man’s chest.

2. Biden argued with a voter whom he called “Fat” and challenged to push-ups, running or an IQ test, exclaiming, “You’re a damn liar, man;” “Get your words straight, Jack!” and “Well, I knew you weren’t [voting for me]. . .. You’re too old to vote for me!”

3. Biden tells a young woman, “You’re a lying, dog-faced pony soldier!”

4. A Hispanic voter challenges Obama-era deportations. Biden replies cruelly, “You should vote for Trump.”

5. When a voter says we need to stop building and replacing pipelines, Biden presses on the man’s chest and says “Go vote for someone else.” Then Biden pokes him and grabs his jacket with two hands. The voter says “I’m going to vote for you in the general if you treat me right.” Biden responds, “No, I’m not.” KCCI, the Des Moines CBS affiliate, described Biden as “agitated”. The voter said he was “taken aback” and “genuinely shocked”, adding “It was not an appropriate interaction for anybody. I mean, if I had done that to him, security would have been all over me. . . . I don’t think he can beat Trump.” (Click here for Jimmy Dore’s analysis.)

6. A voter challenged Biden’s climate advisor’s ties to the fossil fuel industry. During the conversation, Biden kept his hands on the voter’s shoulders, invading his personal space, and told him twice he should “vote for somebody else.”

7. Arguing with an emotional Iraq war veteran, Biden angrily points his finger and implies that his son, Beau, died in active duty. (He died of brain cancer afterwards.) Biden snapped, “You better not [criticize my son]!”

As shown above, Biden is a ticking time bomb. If he’s taking amphetamines to keep those neurons firing, that could be the spark to ignite him. In light of his underlying poor judgment, anger and aggression, the unfortunate progression of his dementia is likely to result in him lashing out and hitting someone, as Diana Little forewarned. The only thing delaying this inevitability is the cessation of public campaign events due to the pandemic.

Little warned, “To allow him to continue in this race is beyond negligent. It’s abuse, to himself and others,” which we discussed in my article on elder abuse. After Biden threatened the union worker and shushed his staffer last week, no wonder the DNC refused to postpone primaries. They are racing against the clock with Biden’s cognitive decline. Election fraud is crushing Bernie, as we examined here, but they need opinion polls to be in the ballpark in order to keep up their charade. Even if they plan to nominate a surprise person at the convention, they cannot do that if Bernie secures a majority of delegates or surges in popularity due to the crisis.

If life ever returns to “normal” after this pandemic, whether Biden is on the campaign trail, debating Trump, or in the White House, his behavior is guaranteed to get uglier. It’s only a matter of time. Hey, Biden voters, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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