Meet The People Biden Bullied, Part 1

Carrie Lavender
5 min readMar 25, 2020


Ed Fallon, environmental activist in Iowa

After missing in action all week, Joe Biden finally reappeared yesterday in a pointless partisan live-stream video on coronavirus that offered no tangible solutions. Awkward and inauthentic, he had a brain freeze moment that went viral. Meanwhile, Bernie spent the entire week pushing his comprehensive emergency response plan, leading informative livestream events, and raising $2 million in coronavirus relief.

Looks like Biden’s campaign managers grounded him for a week after he cursed at and threatened a voter in Detroit. Yeah, just your run of the mill legally actionable illegal conduct. I truly don’t like having to keep talking about Biden’s cognitive decline, but it’s necessary. He’s no ordinary Joe. He’s front-runner for the nomination to be President and Commander in Chief. The guy they want to put in charge of the nuclear button is now fumbling his way through childlike livestreams while media narrative managers strive to keep his dementia secret. My family still refuses to believe he’s ill! Jimmy Dore said(emphasis mine),

I know you’re not supposed to laugh at people with mental conditions, but the reason why I think it’s okay here is because they’re trying to pull one over on us.. . . That’s a guy who the establishment is trying to cram down our throats as a capable leader in apocalyptic times. That’s why it’s okay to make fun of him . . . because it exposes how ridiculous he is as a candidate. It exposes how ridiculous foisting this demented death rattle on us as an antidote to Donald Trump [is].

As we have documented at length here, here, here and here, Biden displays multiple symptoms diagnostic of dementia, which Diana Little, licensed psychotherapist, confirmed. The disease impairs his self-control and judgment. Not only does he slur his words in incoherent word salads — of far greater concern, Biden has a penchant for bullying voters, which we examined here.

What follows are the testimonies of those voters who were on the receiving end of Biden’s temper. It’s really important for Americans to hear from them in order to be fully cognizant of what the DNC is trying to “pull over on us”. It’s one thing to watch Biden’s verbal attacks from afar on a screen, and altogether different to be the nationally-televised target of his dementia-rattled ire.

  1. Merle Gorman: Veteran whom Biden called “Fat”. Click here for video.

Last December in Iowa, Biden grew enraged when Merle Gorman, a marine veteran and retired farmer, age 83, challenged Biden over his son’s board position on Ukrainian Burisma Holdings, accusing him of “selling access to the president.” An instantly irate Biden blurted, “You’re a damn liar, man! That’s not true, and no one has ever said that.” Biden called him “sedentary” and “Fat” and challenged him to push-ups and an IQ test, hissing, “Get your words straight, Jack!” . . . “You’re too old to vote for me!” For Biden’s full word salad, click here. Gorman, who voted for Obama and dislikes Trump, told the New York Post (emphasis mine):

The exchange speaks for itself. He didn’t have the guts to explain the situation, and that’s what I wanted. He got pissed off and stomped around … he wasn’t happy at all. He started mumbling, saying it wasn’t true. … He told me what he’s made out of … he’s got a wet noodle for a backbone. I wish he had explained in a decent tone of voice why he got his son in that position over there and in my opinion he had no business whatsoever sticking his nose over there.

I’m positive 90% of the people [in the audience] didn’t know about his son working on the board in Ukraine. I wanted it brought out there. All the others were softballs questions, they might as well have been asking him what color the chandelier was in the vice president’s office. . . . I would love any of [the Dem candidates] except Joe Biden. I want people to know what kind of fella they’re electing.

Biden’s lack of leadership brought about negative consequences at that event. Unfortunately, Biden’s verbal abuse set Gorman up to be a target. First, when his insulting remarks pushed Gorman to quip, “It looks like you don’t have any more backbone than Trump does,” the audience loudly booed him. Worse yet, another senior citizen challenged him to a fight, Gorman told the Post. In the below video, we hear that guy shout, “Why don’t you just get outta here!” Gorman retorted, “Stick it up your ass, fella!” Here is the video of that altercation:

2. Ed Fallon: Environmental activist whom Biden manhandled. Click for video.

In January, Biden mistreated Ed Fallon by pressing on his chest, poking him, grabbing his jacket, and telling him to vote for someone else. It is really creepy to watch. When Fallon said “I’m going to vote for you in the general if you treat me right.” Biden responded, “No, I’m not.”

KCCI, Des Moines’s CBS affiliate, interviewed Fallon who said he felt “taken aback” and “genuinely shocked”. KCCI described Biden as “agitated”, a common marker for dementia. “It was not an appropriate interaction for anybody,” Fallon affirmed. “If I had done that to him, security would have been all over me. . . . I don’t think he can beat Trump.” Here is the KCCI report:

3. Madison Moore: College student whom Biden called a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier”. Click here for video.

In New Hampshire, Madison Moore, a female college student asked Biden how he expected to beat Trump after placing fourth in Iowa. Biden replied, “Iowa’s a caucus. Have you ever been to a caucus?” She nodded yes. He gnarled, “No, you haven’t. You’re a lying, dog-faced pony soldier”. That’s a confabulation of lines from several films. The Macon Telegraph reported that Moore felt it was a fair question and didn’t find his response funny at all. She thought it “insulting” that people thought he was joking, adding,

It was kind of humiliating to be called a liar on national TV by the former vice president. Instead of answering that question straightforward, his immediate response was to attempt to invalidate me by exposing my inexperience. . . . He has been performing extremely poorly in this race and the fact that he couldn’t just straight answer my question without bullying or intimidating just exacerbates that fact. I am 21-year old college student, like what the hell do I know? Who cares who I am or my experience. Just answer the damn question.

Chris Grant, the political science professor who took the students to the event, told the Telegraph,

Madison asked a completely reasonable question (to) a very experienced politician and unfortunately got an answer that was not in that candidate’s best interest. I think it’s an amazing learning experience for our students to be able to see this up close. She certainly has reason to be upset with the vice president’s response.

Stay tuned for Part 2 (click here to read it), where we will meet Jerry Wayne, the union worker Biden cursed at and threatened to fight. Wayne had plenty to say. Then we will draw our final analysis. Please be sure to share this with Biden supporters.

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