Meet The People Biden Bullied, Part 2

Carrie Lavender
6 min readMar 25, 2020


In Meet The People Biden Bullied, Part 1 (click here to read), we heard the testimonies of three people Biden bullied on the campaign trail. Their stories provide Americans a healthy dose of reality of what the DNC is trying to “pull over on us”. We are stepping into their shoes in order to know exactly what it’s like to be the nationally-televised target of Biden’s dementia-rattled rage. (We fully documented his myriad of symptoms diagnostic of dementia here, here, here, here, and here.) Now we will meet the fourth person Biden abused and then draw our final analysis.

4. Jerry Wayne: Union worker whom Biden cursed at and threatened to take outside to fight. (Click here for video.)

Campaign stress is accelerating Biden’s cognitive decline, which led to his worst outburst ever on March 10 in Detroit. That moment will prevent him from beating Trump, not to mention it was legally actionable. Biden blew a gasket when challenged over his second amendment position by union worker Jerry Wayne. Biden hollered, “You’re full of shit! . . . Don’t tell me — ! You wanna go outside with me!”

Biden said, “You wanna go outside with me!”

At the end of the Guardian’s video clip (below), we see that Biden’s hostile, contemptuous tone set Wayne up to be targeted in like manner by others. A man off camera derided Wayne, yelling, “But he answered your question and you kept on!” Actually, Biden didn’t answer his question and instead lied at length about his position. Wayne replied, “I’m representing me because I’m a fucking American. . . . You guys have your own point of view and I have mine.” The other guy retorted, “You’re wrong, bud!”

Fox News interviewed Wayne. (See excerpt below. Click here for the full-length nine minute interview.) When asked about Biden’s profanity, Wayne said he’s used to it, but that Biden “could have curbed what he said.” Biden had told his staffer to “Shush! . . . Shush!” Wayne commented on that, saying “He didn’t seem to really care about what she had to say, and he was quick to shut her down.” Then on the topic of his gun question, Wayne said,

He kind of just went off the deep end. I saw that he was digging a hole, and I just kind of let him talk for awhile to dig the hole. Once he got caught in a lie, I kind of wanted to ask him why he wanted to take our long arms rather than the handguns. To me that’s very skeptical. . . .

Three-minute excerpt of Jerry Wayne’s Fox interview. Link to full length nine-minute interview is above.

Fox asked Wayne about Biden’s statement of: “I’m not working [for you]! Give me a break! Don’t be such a horse’s ass!” Wayne replied “He was the vice president. He wants to be the president now. You are a candidate. You work for the American people. And, if you can’t understand that, then you don’t deserve to have a leg in this race.”

Jerry Wayne’s new assault rifle

The NRA lost no time in producing an ad featuring Wayne defending assault rifle ownership and showing off his brand new “AR-14” rifle (poking fun at Biden’s gun gaffe). It includes footage of Wayne’s conversation with Biden as well as film clips that prove Biden lied to Wayne about his position on assault rifles. No matter your opinion on the NRA, this ad provided a platform for Wayne to issue a powerful response to Biden’s bullying, by declaring:

Jerry Wayne in the NRA ad

I am the union worker that Joe Biden tried to intimidate.. . . My name is Jerry Wayne and all I wanted to do is ask a presidential candidate a question. I didn’t intend to start a fight. All I did was ask Joe how he was going to win over the union vote when he’s planning on coming after our guns with Beto O’Rourke.. . . . I watched a video where he wanted to make assault weapons, or America’s most popular rifle, illegal. So I asked him about it. Instead of answering me honestly, he acted like he never said it at all. . . . And you say I’m full of shit? Really Joe? All I did was ask you about your own comments.. . .

At one point he asked me if I wanted to go outside. . . . Why Joe? To smell all the freedom? And then I ended up telling him, “You work for me!” And then he went and told me, “No.” . . . Politicians that have been in office for as long as Joe Biden need to be reminded that they work for us. We do not work for them. Americans should be able to ask candidates seeking the highest office, what’s going to happen to their rights. If they vote them into office, Joe Biden can call me all the names he wants, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s on video promising that Beto O’Rourke lead the effort on gun confiscation. . . . (See ad below)

NRA ad featuring Jerry Wayne

As can be seen, Biden the Bully treats voters and staffers as inferiors, and you can bet your bottom dollar that excerpts from the NRA ad will be front and center in Trump campaign ads. None of the above voters will vote for Biden. They don’t like him. He lied, bullied, crossed the line, and refused to answer their questions. Criminal record aside, he’s not fit for office. He flung insults at Gorman, manhandled Fallon, humiliated the college student on national television, cursed at Wayne and threatened to fight him outside.

When Biden loses it, that’s a tell that he’s lying. He gets enraged when called out on his lies, crimes, and weaknesses. Diana Little, licensed psychotherapist, said, “This hostile personality trait may have always been there, and there is evidence that it was, but he was mostly able to keep it at bay.” Dementia diminishes his self-control, and he can no longer handle push-back. When he turns vicious, he also sends audiences the wrong cues. As shown above and in Part 1, his aggressive, belittling tone incited people to follow suit and attack Gorman and Wayne. One wonders how many times this has happened at Biden events off camera?

The whole point of a campaign event is for voters to ask questions and challenge politicians’ views. No one should be attacked for that! In contrast, a leader like Bernie Sanders fields questions respectfully, setting an all-inclusive tone. As Jerry Wayne said, “Americans should be able to ask candidates seeking the highest office, what’s going to happen to their rights.” All four voters asked valid questions and some hoped the process would inform others, like Gorman who said,

I’m positive 90% of the people there didn’t know about his son working on the board in Ukraine. I wanted it brought out there. All the others were softballs questions. . . . I want people to know what kind of fella they’re electing.

Now that public events are cancelled for the foreseeable future, hopefully we’ll get a temporary reprieve from Biden’s explosions. In a word, being on the receiving end of Biden the Bully is no fun. Hearing these voters’ testimonies portends what’s to come. Next time, he will hit someone. We need to share these stories with Biden supporters whose misguided allegiance to the DNC death cult puts us all in peril. By foisting this demented candidate on us, DNC elites are leading the world off a cliff.

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